
English-speaking practice using Skype

Hi people,

I've seen some people asking to have a whatsapp group to practice English. I was thinking that we can create a group to practice using Skype, if anyone is interested just let me know. I consider that the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ way to get fluency is by practicing as much as you can.

Hmmm I think you need to practice your English writing skills a bit :p

Perhaps in ''written'' i missed the letter ''t'' but the message is clear, i need to practice more pronunciation and listening because i'm good at writing but i lack the most in conversation(s).
Perhaps in ''written'' i missed the letter ''t'' but the message is clear, i need to practice more pronunciation and listening because i'm good at writing but i lack the most in conversation(s).

Use a capital letter for countries, languages & nationalities + ambarindigo comment.

English :p
You can look for: English Speakers. It has a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ people around the world

Tamarindo. Costa Rica.

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