
California prohíbe más matrimonios entre playos.

(CNN) -- An appeals court ruling temporarily blocking same-sex marriages from resuming in California drew strong reactions from opponents and supporters ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the state's controversial 2008 referendum on the issue.
Couples hoping to marry rushed to cancel their plans after an order from the 9th Circuit Court ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Appeals late Monday set aside a federal judge's decision earlier this month that would have permitted same-sex marriages to resume in California as early as Wednesday.
And advocates on both sides ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the issue said they were prepared to make their arguments in court.
"This delay is just really going to screw us up," said Harry Seaman, who was planning to marry his boyfriend Friday afternoon.

Video: Legal fight over same-sex marriage

Video: What is California's Proposition 8?

Friends and family had already been invited to celebrate, he said.
"We got the first appointment we could get," he said. "I knew something was going to happen, but I just didn't know it was going to happen before we even got a chance."
The appeals court Monday set a fast schedule to hear the merits ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the constitutional challenge to Proposition 8, the 2008 initiative defining marriage as ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ between one man and one woman.

Oral arguments will now be held the week ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ December 6, meaning a decision on whether same-sex couples can legally wed likely will not be decided until sometime next year.

Andy Pugno, an attorney representing supporters ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Proposition 8, said California's voters should be happy about Monday's ruling.
"We just think today is a good day for the voters in general, to see the vote ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the people actually upheld, even though it's not the final word yet," he told CNN affiliate KCRA. "We still have appeals to go through, but for the time being the vote ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the people has been upheld."

Opponents ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Proposition 8 said they were disappointed by the ruling, but planned to continue their fight.

"Every additional day that couples must wait to marry again in California is painful, but despite the terrible disappointment for the many couples whose right to marry has been delayed yet again, today's ruling includes another significant victory for our side," Kate Kendell, executive director ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said in a statement. "The court did the right thing by putting the case on a fast track and specifically ordering that Prop 8 proponents show why they have a legal right to appeal."

Opponents ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Proposition 8 will not appeal Monday's ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to spokesman Yousef Robb with the American Foundation for Equal Rights. Opponents could ask the Supreme Court to intervene on the narrow question ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ whether to allow the stay to be lifted, but both sides ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the debate agree the odds ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the justices getting involved at this stage are very slim.

The case has had an up-and-down series ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ rulings and referendums. The state's high court had allowed same-sex marriage, but then the voter referendum two years ago passed with 52 percent ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the vote. The California Supreme Court subsequently allowed that initiative to stand, saying it represented the will ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the people.

Opponents ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the law next filed a federal challenge, saying the law violated 14th Amendment constitutional protections ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ due process and equal protection.
Judge Vaughn Walker on August 4 agreed, ruling that the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage violated federal civil rights laws.

His 136-page opinion concluded that Proposition 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a marriage license." The Reagan-appointed judge added, "Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples."
Same sex marriage is currently legal in five states and in the District ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Columbia, while civil unions are permitted in New Jersey. The five states are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa, and New Hampshire.

Walker's landmark ruling assured a swift federal appeal that ultimately may reach the Supreme Court. One sticking point could be whether Proposition 8 supporters in court -- all private citizens and groups -- have legal "standing" to continue appealing the case. State officials, including the governor and attorney general, support individual same-sex couples challenging the law. Such state "actors" traditionally defend voter referendums and legislation.

Some legal experts say if the appeals court eventually rules Proposition 8 backers cannot bring their petition for relief, the Supreme Court may not seek to intervene further, giving no clear guidance on the larger question ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the constitutionality ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ same-sex marriage nationwide. The high court, in a 1997 unrelated appeal, had expressed "grave doubts" about the ability ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ such private groups to challenge rulings that strike down ballot initiatives.

Walker's ruling had given the losing side a chance to appeal, and he held off allowing same-sex marriages from resuming until an emergency injunction request could be decided by the higher court.

Among the federal appeals judges who agreed Monday to block same-sex marriages from resuming immediately was Sidney Thomas, a Montana native who was interviewed this spring by President Obama for the Supreme Court vacancy that eventually went to Elena Kagan.
Excelentes noticias, un verdadero triunfo para la democracia estadounidense. Si la apelación ni siquiera pasa del Circuito 9, menos va a tener chance en la Corte Suprema.:fijo:
en el foro.

me parece excelente. esos playos deben entender cual es su lugar en esta sociedad.

En el foro de temas generales hay dos post sobre homosexualismo!
No te he visto mucho por allá!

Deberías ir a ayudar allá a los gays! Necesitan de un homosexualista de hueso colorado como vos!


Como pasa en todo lado, al principio unos cuantos van a estar como locos ( o locas) por casarse y salir en las noticias dandose un beso, es la novedad del momento.

Despues baja la fiebre y el numero decae estrepitosamente a menos del 3% de las parejas, a los gays no les gusta el matrimonio, lo dicen las estadisticas, todo esto es puro cuento y pura estupidez.
Como pasa en todo lado, al principio unos cuantos van a estar como locos ( o locas) por casarse y salir en las noticias dandose un beso, es la novedad del momento.

Despues baja la fiebre y el numero decae estrepitosamente a menos del 3% de las parejas, a los gays no les gusta el matrimonio, lo dicen las estadisticas, todo esto es puro cuento y pura estupidez.

es cierto. todo es una algarabia en un principio. luego la vara baja. curiosamente peyistez dice que "nos afecta a todos" y luego afirma que son muy pero muy pocos los que deciden casarse.

doble discurso. cerebro pequeño.
En el foro de temas generales hay dos post sobre homosexualismo!
No te he visto mucho por allá!

Deberías ir a ayudar allá a los gays! Necesitan de un homosexualista de hueso colorado como vos!



creo que dejarte callado, mal parado, y demostrar que no eres mas que un pobre diablo es suficiente con hacerlo en un foro.

ya todos en FDCR saben lo que ud es.
es cierto. todo es una algarabia en un principio. luego la vara baja. curiosamente peyistez dice que "nos afecta a todos" y luego afirma que son muy pero muy pocos los que deciden casarse.

doble discurso. cerebro pequeño.

Y segun la logica tampoco no deberian de poner rampas en ningun lado, mucho gasta para el porcentaje tan "bajo" de discapacitados....
Los discapacitados creo que si utilizan las rampas en un gran porcentaje, ya que no pueden utilizar las escaleras...:buffo4:

Los gays es al reves , el porcentaje que usan el matrimonio es bajisimo, todo el cuento de que luchan por esos "derechos" es falso. El objetivo real es otro.
Los discapacitados creo que si utilizan las rampas en un gran porcentaje, ya que no pueden utilizar las escaleras...:buffo4:

Los gays es al reves , el porcentaje que usan el matrimonio es bajisimo, todo el cuento de que luchan por esos "derechos" es falso. El objetivo real es otro.

y cual sería ese objetivo? se pasa en eso y nunca dice cuál es...

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