
R.I.P. Ronnie James DIO - ✞ 16 de Mayo, 2010

Maes no perdamos el le esta dando mas importancia de la que realmente merecen a esa iglesia (ya con solo eso lograron su cometido).

Aqui estamos para rendir tributo a Ronnie J
Esas iglesia se caracteriza por su visión ultraconservadora y fundamentalista. Por ejemplo tienen un sitio Web "Dios odia a los maricones" (God hates the fags), hay un tema la respecto en el foro.

Maes no perdamos el le esta dando mas importancia de la que realmente merecen a esa iglesia (ya con solo eso lograron su cometido).

Aqui estamos para rendir tributo a Ronnie J

muy de acuerdo con Liceo, así que aporto con una de las piezas que más me gustan del disco con que se despidió de nosotros el Gran DIO

"We're still afraid, must be that door in your brain
You've seen some light, and you pray it will return
Ronnie James Dio

The grand wizard ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ classic rock. A poet ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ hope for the downtrodden. The single most important vocal technician in the history ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ heavy metal. All ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ these accolades have been garlanded upon the royal roar known as Ronnie James Dio.

Born in New Hampshire, USA, Ronnie first achieved recognition singing with his own band Elf. Deep Purple's Roger Glover and Ian Paice spotted him in 1972, and Elf then supported the British band on several US tours. Ronnie later sang on Roger's famed solo project "The Butterfly Ball" in 1974 and then joined Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow. With his pioneering classical metal work in Rainbow, as well as his vocal pyrotechnics on two Black Sabbath monoliths (Heaven and Hell and Mob Rules), Ronnie used word and rhythm to seduce his way into the center ring during metal's thriving heyday.

His first solo offering, Holy Diver, was a brilliant display ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ melody and might that married Ronnie's immense vocal, lyrical and compositional acumen with the talents ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a band chosen with almost Machiavellian insight.

Holy Diver quickly established the singer's hypnotizing skill for delivering messages that pierced the wild heart ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the metal generation. Due to a wellspring ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ strength built from childhood struggles, Ronnie learned to soar with words, writing anthems to overcoming, paeans to personal power, and overtures to outcasts, all with a verve that stressed independence in the face ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ dark forces.

By the release ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ record #2, The Last in Line, Dio was firing on all cylinders, packing stadiums with a visual and aural symphony: a pyramid stage set complete with a three-headed cobra and fighting sphinxes, and songs that spoke to an all too prevalent middle American reality. Good versus evil was Dio's unrelenting theme, and the band's muscle bound devil mascot, amusingly known as Murray, seemed to be winning. Next up for Ronnie was his reunion with Black Sabbath for 1992's Dehumanizer. The remainder ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 90's saw Dio releasing Strange Highways (1994), Angry Machines (1996), and a live offering in Inferno/Last in Live (1998).

The year 2000 saw guitarist Craig Goldy returning to the fold as the Dio clan released Magica, a concept album. Magica was hailed as the band's "comeback" album and received glowing reviews. Following a hugely successful tour ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Europe, USA and Japan, Ronnie found himself teaming up with his old mates from Deep Purple to perform songs from the "Butterfly Ball" and his new - masterpiece, in conjunction with a 79 piece orchestra…an unforgettable experience! Shortly thereafter, Goldy once again retreated, and former Hurricane/Lion axeman Doug Aldrich joined the band for 2002's Killing the Dragon, a classic Dio masterpiece, and the Evil or Divine DVD filmed live at New York's Roseland Theater. A tour with Deep Purple and the Scorpions followed. After Aldrich's defection to Whitesnake, Goldy returned once again and set to working on a whirlwind year ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ touring with Iron Maiden & Motorhead, followed by the writing and recording ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the latest Dio gem, Master ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Moon, due to be released August 30, 2004, coinciding with a world tour. So there you have it, twenty years ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Dio domination, much ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it a commercial smash, all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it thoughtful and painstakingly creative. Ronnie reminds us that an album is forever - that each one is a document carved in time, to be studied and enjoyed by generations ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ listeners. Dio is indeed a vital artist, still making records with new collaborators and new sounds. The Dio canon is now regarded as above and beyond trend, one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the few hallowed metal collections composing the very definition ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ "classic rock". May the man preach, pontificate and power-chord for many years to come.
Esto lo acabo de ver en Pandemonium, y se me hizo una clase de nudo en la garganta, Grande Jorn Lande despidiendolo como se merecia que lo despieran, HACIENDOLE BUEN METAL DESDE EL CORAZON!

Palabras de uno de sus amigos cercanos y compañero en Heaven and Hell

Geezer Butler Tells The Story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Dio’s Final Days

While there been many touching tributes to the voice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ metal, Ronnie James Dio, in recent days, this one from Geezer Butler really strikes a chord. RIP Dio...we love you!

Geezer Butler tells the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie’s final days and pays tribute to a dear friend.

Black Sabbath bassist and long-term friend ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the late, great Ronnie James Dio has opened up his heart to tell the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the final days in the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legendary vocalist.

“It’s impossible to express in mere words the relationship Ronnie and I, Wendy and my wife Gloria had. He was much more than a friend, fellow musician, band mate. If I have a soul, then he is part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it. I truly believe God, fate, destiny, whatever it’s called, brought us together again in 2006, after not seeing each other for 14 years, to do one final tour, which turned into three major tours and an album. We were having a blast together, enjoying each other’s company more than we had ever done before, talking about maybe doing one more album, when fate intervened again.

“We were planning on doing a two- or three-part North American tour, after having toured South America and Europe in spring/summer 2009, but on the first leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the North American tour, Tony’s (Iommi) hand ligaments were in a bad way, Vinny’s (Appice) shoulder became dislocated, and Ronnie was having terrible stomach pains. We decided to cut the tour, get healthy, and carry on the following year. Tony and Vinny had successful procedures to fix their ailments, but Ronnie’s stomach pains were worsening. I saw him at the Dio Halloween party, but he wasn’t drinking, unusual for Ronnie who liked his tipple. He was telling me he had made an appointment with a specialist, to see what it was…..

“Wednesday, 12th May 2010.
“Wendy invited Gloria and I to lunch in Santa Barbara. A few close friends ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie and Wendy, Omar, Simon, Paul, Tim, and Diana, had dropped by. Ronnie had no appetite whatsoever — the disease and the chemotherapy were taking an immense toll. As usual, we talked sports and had a laugh together — it would be the last time. That night, I had a beautiful email from him, that I will treasure forever. I sent him an email saying I’d see him during the following week.

“Friday, 14th May 2010.
“Wendy called to say she had taken Ronnie to hospital. The pain had become unbearable. We got to the hospital around 2 p.m. The doctor eventually sedated him. More and more friends were coming to visit — we took it in turns to hold Ronnie’s hand, and whisper our thoughts to him. Wendy wouldn’t leave his side — she stayed curled up on his bed the whole night. Gloria’s assistant, Debi, kept her company. I emailed Tony to prepare him for bad news.

“Saturday, 15th May 2010.
“There was no mistaking Ronnie’s room. There were around 25 to 30 friends outside his room. We knew the end was imminent. We all wanted to say our goodbyes. It was a day filled with tears and reflection. In the evening, the chaplain came, and we all gathered around Ronnie’s bed and prayed. Ronnie wasn’t going easily. At 11 p.m., most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us left, leaving Wendy her privacy to say her last farewell. The devastation was palpable.

“Sunday, 16th May 2010.
“7.46 a.m. As we were preparing to leave for the hospital, Gloria called Wendy to see if she wanted a coffee or any breakfast — she broke the sad news. Ronnie had just passed away.

“Wendy Dio has been a true saint through all this. She has been with Ronnie every step ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the way. Her courage has amazed us all. Even as I write, she is ensuring Ronnie has the finest send-off possible. God bless you, Wendel.

“Most people who were there for those last days chose to keep their thoughts private. I wanted to keep my thoughts private, too, but I’ve been overwhelmed by emails, and requests from the media and fans for comments.

“I can truly say I’ve never known anyone to have such loyal, loving friends, fans, and family as Ronnie. He really was a special person, blessed with a unique voice and presence. He loved his fans — he would stay meeting and talking to them until the early hours ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the morning.

“One ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my fondest memories ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ him comes from last year, at the Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth. He noticed my sister and her husband at the side ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the stage. During our opening song, he took the time to go over and hug them. Just a little thing like that made him special to me.

“************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course his music will live on forever, as will his influence.

“I have never seen so many tributes from so many musicians and fans, so many good wishes, no cynicism, just pure love and appreciation for a great man.

“God bless you, Ronald — thank you so much for the wonderful memories.”

Puta mae... yo lei esto hasta hoyt lo iba a publicar y revise y ya lo habias puesto... realmente esto me partio el corazon... hace algunos años unos de mis mejores amigos del colegio se enfermo de cancer en el estomago, el sufrio lo mismo una vez en el cole se lo llevaron de emergencia lo internaron y nunca mas salio del hospital solo un dia para graduacion de quinto.... llego con ayuda y totalmente cambiado... poco despues nos llamaron nos dijeron que andrey ya estaba "listo", toda el aula llego al san juan de Dios... entramos y lo vimos... lo vimos tal y como lo describe Butler en esa nota... hecho mierda irreconosible, sedado, totod shicimos lo mismo nos turnamos para tomarle la mano y susurrarle los buenos recuerdos junto a el que teniamos, esa noche hicimos vigilia en el hospital toda la madrugada afuera... todos para darle fuerzas... nos fuimos a bañar en mañana a eso de las 7am y pues andrey nos dejo como a las 11... maes que horrible el dolor que puede pasar alguien la situaciones la desmoralizacion y deshumanizacion que sufren las personas que tienen cancer y llegan a ese punto... realmente ahora SI estoy llorando y mucho a las 2:22am de hoy lunes 24... esto me acordo muchas cosas y pues la verdad soy medio gay en estas cosas (sentimental)...

...que lastima que Dio pasara por esas cosas y que sus familiares y amigos tuvieran que verlo asi, que lastima que lo atacara ESA enfermedad... de verdad que que mierda el cancer...

...que bonito y que valor el de Butler de contar eso y compartir con todos esa experiencia tan dura, mas identificado NO puedo estar...

Buenas noches
Puta mae... yo lei esto hasta hoyt lo iba a publicar y revise y ya lo habias puesto... realmente esto me partio el corazon... hace algunos años unos de mis mejores amigos del colegio se enfermo de cancer en el estomago, el sufrio lo mismo una vez en el cole se lo llevaron de emergencia lo internaron y nunca mas salio del hospital solo un dia para graduacion de quinto.... llego con ayuda y totalmente cambiado... poco despues nos llamaron nos dijeron que andrey ya estaba "listo", toda el aula llego al san juan de Dios... entramos y lo vimos... lo vimos tal y como lo describe Butler en esa nota... hecho mierda irreconosible, sedado, totod shicimos lo mismo nos turnamos para tomarle la mano y susurrarle los buenos recuerdos junto a el que teniamos, esa noche hicimos vigilia en el hospital toda la madrugada afuera... todos para darle fuerzas... nos fuimos a bañar en mañana a eso de las 7am y pues andrey nos dejo como a las 11... maes que horrible el dolor que puede pasar alguien la situaciones la desmoralizacion y deshumanizacion que sufren las personas que tienen cancer y llegan a ese punto... realmente ahora SI estoy llorando y mucho a las 2:22am de hoy lunes 24... esto me acordo muchas cosas y pues la verdad soy medio gay en estas cosas (sentimental)...

...que lastima que Dio pasara por esas cosas y que sus familiares y amigos tuvieran que verlo asi, que lastima que lo atacara ESA enfermedad... de verdad que que mierda el cancer...

...que bonito y que valor el de Butler de contar eso y compartir con todos esa experiencia tan dura, mas identificado NO puedo estar...

Buenas noches

Mae Josh, que duro leer eso. Pura vida por compartir!!!
1. sobre las palabras de Butler... hacía ratillo las había leído, pero no me había querido pronunciar al respecto. me llegaron? SIP, bastante! considero que fueron palabras muy humanas, muy reales, muy de carne y hueso, sangre y lágrimas, esencia y sentimiento.

hay palabras que se escriben con el hígado
otras con la cabeza, fría o enredada
otras con el corazón
otras con la billetera

y.... las que se escriben con el alma
y este es uno de esos casos

creo que todos en nuestra vida algo hemos escrito alguna vez (algunos más que otros, jejejeje)
y todos hemos pasado la experiencia, asumo, de escribir desde el alma, al menos una frase, o una palabra
jajaja, se me olvidó que había punto 2

sobre la pieza de tributo, como dije en el fb, una GRAN VOZ le canta al PADRE DE LAS VOCES.

me sorprendió que haya visto por primera vez ESE video en vm latino... 'uta, aún hay cosas que pueden sorprender!

habrá que ver cómo anda ese disco que sale ahorita, a ver quiénes más andarán y si sorprenderá
No tengo siquiera palabras para expresarme....

Simple y sencillo no existirá nunca alguien como DIO
Simple y sencillo no existirá nunca una voz como la de DIO

Larga vida a DIO....
Por siempre ligado a mí Alma...
maes aunque paresca mentira. hay una tal "iglesia" Westboro Baptist Church s : que va a hacer una protesta durante los funerales de Dio que se llevaran acabo el 30 de mayo asi o mas estupidos , segun ellos DIO is ahora residiendo en el infierno . jejejeje oigan como se llama la pagina web de ellos

ojala y les peguen una pichaseada a este poco de imbeciles que no respetan ni a un muertico. jejeje

Fuente: Ronnie James Dio
maes aunque paresca mentira. hay una tal "iglesia" Westboro Baptist Church s : que va a hacer una protesta durante los funerales de Dio que se llevaran acabo el 30 de mayo asi o mas estupidos , segun ellos DIO is ahora residiendo en el infierno . jejejeje oigan como se llama la pagina web de ellos

ojala y les peguen una pichaseada a este poco de imbeciles que no respetan ni a un muertico. jejeje

Fuente: Ronnie James Dio

Papi, eso lo pusieron, arriba en esta misma pagina. No le demos pelota a esa gente para no darles gusto. Sigamos adelante, sin darle razon de ser a esa gente...
Papi, eso lo pusieron, arriba en esta misma pagina. No le demos pelota a esa gente para no darles gusto. Sigamos adelante, sin darle razon de ser a esa gente...
a mira no he dicho nada tons. no vi eso. pero anyway que poco de idiotas.jejeje PEACE

I just wanted to write a note about Ronnie James Dio and how much I will miss him.
Ronnie was the most genuine person I've ever met in the music industry. I think we've all had run-ins with our childhood heroes, and sometimes it can be a disappointing experience. This was definitely not the case with Ronnie, he was a wise, kind, and special person, and a dear friend that will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace brother, your spirit and music will continue to inspire generations to come.
Jon Schaffer

para los q no saben quien es este mae es el fundador y lider de ICED EARTH una de mis bandas favoritas
Hoy hace exactamente 9 meses tuve la gran dicha de ver al maestro de maestros, en lo que sería su penultima presentación en vivo, la combinación de achante y alegria hace mas bien un enredo mental.

Hoy será un día de solo escuchar Dio/Sabbath(Dio Era)/y Heaven and Hell.

Unas imagenes lindas que me encontre por ahi de DIO que cuesta verlas. Atencion especial a las de pelo corto



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RIP Dio,

Aunque su discografía en general no es muy de mi agrado (salvando la etapa de sabbath, rainbow y una que otra pieza de su discografía individual) el mae era todo un ícono del metal y del rock en general. Así es como se van los grandes, dejando a todo mundo triste...
maes... qué vara más rara

algo que le comenté al guitarro de Arthes hace un rato

suena DIO en Sand... y nada pasa!!!!!

puta!!! uno espera sinceramente que en ese momento la gente esté con la birra en mano recordando al padre que recién se nos escapó de las manos.

y en ese ride, estábamos muy pocos

qué es la vara???? muy poco TRVE para los metaleros demostrar el dolor o el afecto?

o seré yo la que me pasé de fanática???

y si es que la respuesta es la opción B... pues me vale! a mucha honra!!!!

Nuevos temas

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