
Frase de Canción según tu humor!

Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overboard and self-assured
Oh, no, I know a dirty word

Smells like teen spirit Nirvana
My feet are tiredAnd the pain shows
There's such a long way to go now
Such a long way to go
Gotta be strong
By myself now
Such a long road...
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know

More than words Extreme
"I feel adrenaline rush
It's just the final touch
you can kiss your ass good bye"

The assassin - Iron Maiden
Cada día
la luz del amanecer nos desafía
tras del sueño hasta el mundo que nadie quería
villas miserias, trapos
hijos de la misma agonía

Inundados Paralamas do Sucesso
No se donde vamos a parar, eso ya la piel nos lo dira
Para que jurar y prometer algo que no esta en nuestro poder
Yo no se lo que es eterno, no me pidas algo que es del tiempo
Meet me in the crowd
People, people
Throw your love around
Love me, love me
Take it into town
Happy, happy
Put it in the ground

Shiny happy people REM
Yo no se mañana, yo no se mañana,
Si estaremos juntos, si se acaba el mundo
Yo no se si soy para ti, si seras para mi
Si lleguemos a amarnos o odioarnos
Yo, caminaré entre las piedras
hasta sentir el temblor, en mis piernas
a veces tengo temor, lo sé
a veces vergüenza

Cuando pase el temblor Soda Stereo
De un cafe pasamos al sofa, de un boton a todo lo demas
No pusimos reglas ni reloj, aqui estamos solos tu y yo
Todo lo que ves es lo que soy, no me pidas mas de lo que doy
Ya llega la comparsa
muy conocida en el mundo entero
recorriendo los barrios
con la alegría de los murgueros
Llega con este ritmo
ritmo de murga muy popular
y que hace muchos años
lo bautizamos tu-ta tu-ta
Se viene el tu-ta tu-ta

El murguero Los auténticos decadentes
for everything
i lived up from the land and sea the sky above
i'll swim within her ocean's sweet and warm
there's no storm my love

when i hold you tight
there's nothing that can harm you in the lonely night
i'll come to you and keep you safe and warm
it's so strong my love

santa esmeralda
California dreamin

Stopped Into A Church
I Passed Along The Way
Well I Got Down On My Knees
( got down on my knees )
And I Pretend To Pray
( I pretend to pray )
You Know The Preacher Likes To The Could
( preacher likes the could )
He knows I´m Gonna Stay
( knows I´m gonna stay)
California Dreamin´
( california dreamin )
On Such On Winters Day

I close my eyes,
************SPAM/BANNEAR************ for a moment and the moment's gone
all my dreams,
pass before my eyes, that curiosity
dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind

Dust in the wind Kansas
Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.

'Cos I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you.
[h=2]Moody Blues[/h]

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