
Frase de Canción según tu humor!

I'll be fine
I'll be waiting patiently
Till you see the signs
And come running to my open arms
When will you realise
Do we have to wait till our worlds collide
Open up your eyes
You can't turn back the tide...

I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To feel you by my side
It is written in the stars above...

"Take this pill, it will make you feel dizzy
And then give you wings
Soon, boy, you'll fall into sleep
Without nightmares, without any fears"

End ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ The World - Blackfield

Hey nena, ¿cómo estás, nena?
I love you, give me a kiss, ¿ok?
Estoy todo lleno de tí,
de tus besos, de tu mirada,
de tu forma de andar,
de tu suave callar.

La modelo José Capmany
Not enough time for all
That I want for you
Not enough time for every kiss
And every touch and all the nights
I wanna be inside you

Not enough time
I don't wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock, not just another grain ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ sand (that's right)​
I have a picture,
pinned to my wall.
An image ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you and ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ me and we're laughing and loving it all.
Look at our life now, tattered and torn.
We fuss and we fight and delight in the tears that we cry until dawn

Hold me now Thompson Twins
Yellow Ledbetter- Pearl Jam

I see them round the front way yeah
And I know and I know I don't want to stay
Make me cry
I see ooh I don't know why there's something else
I wanna drum it all away

Última edición:
si no has cambiado no vuelvas
será lo mismo de ayer y...
...y tengo miedo
porque aún te amo
si no has cambiado no vuelvas
sería volver a empezar
y cometer esos mismos errores
hoy no ...
...te amo pero tengo miedo
has cambiado?
SodaStereo- Juego de Seducción

"Estamos solos en la selva
nadie puede venir a rescatarnos
estoy muriendome de sed
y es tu propia piel
la que me hace sentir este infierno"
Hey Jude
Don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

Hey Jude Los Beatles
Me estoy enamorando
Me estoy enamorando...

me estoy ilusionando con tu amor
y siento que la pena
que me afligia el alma
ya no duele más.
hoy mis ilusiones
vuelven a vivir
y siento que mi boca
se muerde al sentir
que un beso...
mi deseo desborda
dentro del corazón...!!
Gustavo Cerati- Signos

"Si algo cedes, calmaré tu histeria.
Con los dientes rasgaré tus medias"
Cum on feel the noize
girls rock your boys
we'll get wild, wild, wild,
wild, wild, wild
So you think i got an evil mind, i'll tell you honey
and i don't know why
and i don't know why
So you think my singing's out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ time, it makes me money
and i don't know why
and i don't know why anymore
oh no

Cun on feel the noize Quiet Riot
Hoy desperté con un montón
de marcas en mi piel
alguien por la noche me las dejó...

Aun estas en mis sueños

Rata Blanca

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