

There's a spark in my tongue
A sharp feeling upon you it grew
A fear ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ never say it to you
A sentiment I can't hold long

Would you take me as your man?
In your hands and your heart
Till death makes us apart?
Can I be your one and ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ one?

I could say if you say no it is fine
What to do with this affection?
If a free fall from your rejection
I deeply hoped you'd be mine

Beg you my little one to think it twice
I promise nothing but honest love
That's what this text is made ************SPAM/BANNEAR************
Is your touch what my life precise

But true is I want you to say yes
Give me a sly sign ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a chance
I'll be then ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your will a defiance
I know us together is the best

Be sincere if you doubt ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my word
Know you happy is my greatest desire
I'll keep for myself the sentiment in fire
I'll leave with the wound ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a sword

Enviado desde mi SM-A705MN mediante Tapatalk
There's a spark in my tongue
A sharp feeling upon you it grew
A fear ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ never say it to you
A sentiment I can't hold long

Would you take me as your man?
In your hands and your heart
Till death makes us apart?
Can I be your one and ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ one?

I could say if you say no it is fine
What to do with this affection?
If a free fall from your rejection
I deeply hoped you'd be mine

Beg you my little one to think it twice
I promise nothing but honest love
That's what this text is made ************SPAM/BANNEAR************
Is your touch what my life precise

But true is I want you to say yes
Give me a sly sign ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a chance
I'll be then ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your will a defiance
I know us together is the best

Be sincere if you doubt ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my word
Know you happy is my greatest desire
I'll keep for myself the sentiment in fire
I'll leave with the wound ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a sword

Enviado desde mi SM-A705MN mediante Tapatalk

Awesome!! It makes me think about that four-letters word
You got me out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ luck
Wrote me out your list wish
Set me blown in a ditch
Crossed me out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the book

Bright came you silly lips
Fair is not even chance
No love at first glance
But had you in finger tips

Thinking large at our encounter
Picturing a perfect rendez-vous
A date worth a thousand goos
A light dream ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a timid youngster

Said your voice in freely depth
What hurts bad you in the guts
Scream out your silly moods
Cry loud the hate you have kept

Skip the bitter tears in bed
Wanna do me silently tonight?
Or skip today's smooshing
To hide your runny nose in red

Love me hate me while still here
Let's talk about feelings and pain
Speak out what's for you lame
I am all about to love and hear
Ay mi forera... hasta celos me da en algunos temas.

Shake my being ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your presence
************SPAM/BANNEAR************ me shocked at your sigh
************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fearful timid lips that recoil tight
Upon the delight from your essence

It's time for my sinful vows
That hereby I grant you kneeling
Growing sick feeling over feeling
Here my heart its beat endows

What else could me silly try
Is it worth let my soul wail
Cover my dignity in a white veil
And merrily let go a last cry

Imagine if I stop panning for gold
In the cold mine ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your iron heart
Would gray times vanish me apart
As it is time that makes me hold

And if I get your laugh as an ace
In my game ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ good but lusty dreams
That push me beyond my own means
In the endeavour ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ gaining your face

Would that bring me down your chest
And beautiful face ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ polished silver
Brigh cameo eyes as my executioner
Before the lady who my life could blest
Una vez amé a una chica joven.

Nos conocimos por un mensaje, yo lo hice como cumplido y ella lo tomó como necedad, a pesar de su tierna edad me respondió con enojo, nos hablamos tanto que su tono rojo se puso rojizo con mis cumplidos.

Era blanca como cal virgen,y virgen como sal de Asia, cuidaba sus redes con meticulosa seriedad, cabello rojizo claro, lentes delgados y pecas de fuego, nos besamos debajo de un aguacero, me alcance mis propios brazos abrazando su cintura, quitó su mirada de la mía llena de pena especial, su novio anterior no la admiraba tanto, era como una catarata en un aguacero, tan hermosa y peligrosa, ardiente como un rayo y quieta como el amanecer de los llanos.

Me decía buenas noches y buenos días, buenas tardes y suerte, yo era como un lobo detrás de miel y ella como La Bella de la mano de la bestia.

Y nuestros besos color ciudad húmeda pasaban inadvertidos entre tantos ojos cansados, y en cansados labios nos despediamos prometiendo una eternidad más, sus papás nunca los conocí, ¿Que podían saber de amor?

Pero que es el amor sin dolor si no ciego temor?

Y un día nos dijimos adiós porqué no quería mentirle, y en partes querer no es honesto, es mejor haber medio querido que haber completamente odiado.

Y en brazos de otro ahora descansa, la miro en sus fotos y en sus historias, quiero que sea feliz, más dolería si no fuera así.

Una vez amé a una chica joven..., una vez nada más...
No te amo, pero te extraño (para Ani)

La luz enferma del arrebol invade mis paredes
arrebatando la última ilusión del olvido
tarde que corre ligera como cachorro herido
cuando la noche indiferente tiende sus redes

Cavilosa taciturna la noche ociosa ampara
memorias venenosas de pasiva culpa impía
suave manta fría sin sentir esa tu bella cara
en mis manos de su forma se sostiene vacía

Vocal calle se funde en tono gris la mañana
me invita con un silencio cómplice y ladino
salgo a abrazar de su diosa luz el destino
que me acaricia el cabello por la persiana

Tiempo que ahonda en la ausencia maliciosa
del sonido de las horas que recordar procura
aquella hora de amor abrazado a tu cintura
en la caída amable de este nuestro mediodía

Horas simples de tiempo, horas nuestras las bellas
de horas nos amamos sin tiempo que envejece
minutos trajeron para ambos relojes las estrellas
misma medida que el recuerdo no desaparece

Y si nuestra hora regresase fugaz sin calma
a perderte me atrevería si posible fuera
permitir el ayer una vez mas yo muera
correría el reloj atrás a cambio de mi alma

Millones de veces el mismo instante eterno
soplan los segundos tus besos del pasado
y si nuevamente se convierten en infierno
tendré tu recuerdo para soportarlo
Última edición:
Surrender your words to me...

Surrender your sharp hate
Make it ashes as you exhale
Shourn it out your skin in pale
Lay it dead on my awkward way

Unleash the flaming beast
Let it loose on your lips
Was tinder I ignited in deeps
Burn rough coal into peace

Ablaze me with your words
Run your mouth feral fashion
The heat over me all action
************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your feelings unlock the doors

Gaze and point me with iron index
Test these eyes that won't turn
Let my skin from your verb a burn
Shame on me ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my smirking reflex
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