
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

Hola a todos, soy nuevo en esto de foros, pero estoy muy interesado en prácticar y mejorar mi nivel de ingles, asi que, es un placer invitarlos a todos los que a como yo les falta un poco de practica y quieren mejorar para aplicar a un puesto en un call center o por realizacion personal, asi que a todos los se quieran unir las puertas abiertas.
Última edición:

Escrito o hablado?

No veo porque no prácticar ambos, depende de las necesidades de el grupo, si uno de nosotros necesita prácticar el escrito, pues le ayudamos y si necesita es lo verbal, pues a hablar se ha dicho, te parece?
Not bad.. I agree!

Lets start right now, and if anyone detect a mistake, just point it out so we learn from our own mistakes!

I think this is a great idea, I need to practice my english too and I would be very happy if all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you my partners get point ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my mistakes for improved myself too

Well, Can we talk about experience with clients.. I mean not exactly in english, I mean the customer service cases we had in our life and explain it here but in english!!! are all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you agree?
Hello!!People It sounds very nice! In my case it would be a good experience to me because I actually want to improve my English very well to apply for a job in Customer service !!So I find this very interesting you know !!So let's start !! But what kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ topic are you going to talk about??

PD:Why don't do a group on Whatsapp or something like that?! I'll hear proposals!!:DBy the way Good post!!
Not bad.. I agree!

Lets start right now, and if anyone detect a mistake, just point it out so we learn from our own mistakes!



I think this is a great idea, I need to practice my english too and I would be very happy if all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you my partners get point ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my mistakes for improved myself too

Well, Can we talk about experience with clients.. I mean not exactly in english, I mean the customer service cases we had in our life and explain it here but in english!!! are all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you agree?

Can point out.
To imprive too.
Do you agree?

Sound fine



Yo les puedo ayudar con la corrección si gustan.
thats exactly the help I need, because I just speak.. or write in this case but never think in the grammar ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sentences.. I just throw out my ideas without shy...

Thank you very much Vinfoster
thats exactly the help I need, because I just speak.. or write in this case but never think in the grammar ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sentences.. I just throw out my ideas without shy...

Thank you very much Vinfoster

You're welcome!

That's. The apostrophe is very important in this case.

hahaha I couldn´t help it!

(A continuación, viene Vinfoster a corregirme)

Van a poner un tema o cómo?

Yo no he llevado clases de inglés en ningún lado, y lo que sé es porque me he puesto a buscar solita. Algo que me molesta es que cuando uno busca un lugar para recibir clases casi que va enfocado a trabajar en un call center, entonces cuando leo algo en inglés de mi carrera, me topo con un montón de palabras propias de esa área que no me van a enseñar en nigún lado... y a veces es un poco incómodo.

hahaha I couldn´t help it!

(A continuación, viene Vinfoster a corregirme)

Van a poner un tema o cómo?

Yo no he llevado clases de inglés en ningún lado, y lo que sé es porque me he puesto a buscar solita. Algo que me molesta es que cuando uno busca un lugar para recibir clases casi que va enfocado a trabajar en un call center, entonces cuando leo algo en inglés de mi carrera, me topo con un montón de palabras propias de esa área que no me van a enseñar en nigún lado... y a veces es un poco incómodo.

De hecho hay un error... Jajajajajajaja. Es broma.

A mi me pasó igual, prácticamente soy autodidacta. Y con el inglés técnico de mi carrera siempre buscaba los términos en diccionarios no para traducir sino diccionarios corrientes en inglés (el de Oxford y varas así).
For me its the same, in my case, Im Technician in computers systems and I learn it totally alone... the english obviously, well I mean "LEARN" in the measure ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my skills XD
Great post, I'm actually studying English Teaching so if you need any help, don't hesitate in asking me anything, as a matter ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fact I was thinking in start teaching by my own, so if anyone is interested in private and individual lessons, please send me a private message, I can go to your household or a place ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your convinience so I can give you cheap classes due I haven't finished my major yet, I was thinking in a rate ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ $5 per hour, normal rate is $10 per hour. I learned english since I was a child and my grandmother is from New York so my english is about a 95% written, oral and reading skills, I have worked in several call centers as well, so I would be able to provide you with tips and tricks.

I think this is a great idea, I need to practice my english too and I would be very happy if all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you my partners get point ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my mistakes for improved myself too

Well, Can we talk about experience with clients.. I mean not exactly in english, I mean the customer service cases we had in our life and explain it here but in english!!! are all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you agree?

Do you agree or are you all in agreement both are correct. Remember english the simplest it is the better it sounds.

Sound fine

Sounds good, even do fine is not wrong good sounds better !

thats exactly the help I need, because I just speak.. or write in this case but never think in the grammar ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sentences.. I just throw out my ideas without shy...

Thank you very much Vinfoster

that's the attitude buddy go for it without shameless, but as an advice try to think in english when making the sentences not in spanish remember the order ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ adjectives si completly different

For me its the same, in my case, Im Technician in computers systems and I learn it totally alone... the english obviously, well I mean "LEARN" in the measure ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my skills XD

Here you would need to say: I'm a technician in computer systems no s in computer and I learned in past... english no the

As Vinfoster said before the apostrophe is very very important you shouldn't forget about it, other wise the word will have no sense.
Última edición:
Hola !!! agregó una pagina que me parece que es la mejor forma de aprender, donde se puede inter actuar como gente nativa . Inglés o cualquier idioma.

Ahí he conocido y hablado con gente de todo el mundo. Es solo que conocerlos y agregarlos a Skype y ya, he conocido gente de Europa, Asia, USA. Es un intercambio de lenguas
Última edición:
Sounds good, even do fine is not wrong good sounds better !

Wouldn't it be "even though" the correct way? (Instead ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ even do)


Yo les puedo ayudar con la corrección si gustan.

Folk, I'm kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ lazy and I didn't put the apostrophe because is too much work xD, but I'm aware ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ "my mistakes"

Are we gonna create a Whatsapp group to practice? I'm thoroughly sure this is gonna be funny :call1:

Nuevos temas

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