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Top Ten Greatest Bands
Posted on 15 May 2009 by admin
A purely subjective list ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Top Ten greatest bands that defined cult music

1. Led Zeppelin – After selling more than 200 millions copies, cult status is an understatement for any musical group – and by achieving this feat, Led Zep became the rock gods ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ their generation. Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham and John Paul Jones created some ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ rock history’s most creative and pioneering pieces such as Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir.

2. Nirvana – Kurt Cobain’s three piece band in Seattle singlehandedly changed the face ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ rock music to push the world into a totally different genre altogether – defining what we now know as grunge or alternative music. ‘Nevermind’ – Nirvana’s first major album created a global pandemonium and Cobain became an instant hit in America.

3. Pink Floyd – Perhaps one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the most creative psychedelic bands coming from Britain, no band has managed to match Pink Floyd’s sound over the last thirty years. Consisting ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ David Gilmour’s iconic guitaring and Roger Water’s soothingly hypnotic vocals, the band has ‘Meddle’, ‘Dark Side ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Moon’ and the ultimate – “The Wall” to their name.

4. The Beatles – Perhaps the first band out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Britain to have made a permanent mark on the world, the fab four will always be remembered for their original tunes, often drug inspired. Cheerfulness, joy and an absolute sense ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ freedom exuded from their music and they made people believe that it was possible to be happy all the time.

5. Queen – Yet another British set, Queen had Freddie Mercury, -one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the most talented and versatile vocalists ever in rock history. ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘I want to break free’ and ‘We are the champions’ are some ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ their tracks which have got a large cult following.

6. The Doors – An eclectic mix ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ country music, rock and roll, psychedelic mania and other soulful stuff can best describe The Doors led by frontman Jim Morrison. He was a poet par excellence and marked a significant era in American poetry that was coupled into mainstream music. This was possibly the reason they got immediate cult status.

7. Metallica – A garage band that was started in 1981, Metallica are now acknowledged as Metal Gods. With 9 studio albums, Kirk Hammet’s signature guitar riffs and shredding leaves almost every jam packed concert audience frozen in awe. Add to this Hetfield’s powerful vocals and Ulrich ripping away on the drums and you get a super powerful combo – Metallica.

8. Guns N Roses – GnR has just two albums to their name and this was enough for them to etch their place in rock history as a cult group that defined alternative and rock music for the 90s generation. Guns N Roses is still considered one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the greatest bands by millions.

9. Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath was the perfect cult band with lyrical interpretations that bordered on religious doom and menacing gloomy music. This band gave a new meaning to evil and through their heavy metal style, changed music forever. Not ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ were the four creative innovators as musicians, but they were also excellent song writers.

10. Sex Pistols – Lying midway through rock and pop music, The Sex Pistols have cultural significance because they began punk music – a staple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ today’s music listening generation. So it was just natural to give this band cult status. Some describe their works as the most inspiring rock records ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ all time.
Diay mae... :?: que le digo. Fueron bandas que comercialmente hablando hicieron lo suyo y fueron icónicas en su tiempo. Ahora, en qué se habrán basado a la hora de hacer el top ten...?
No sé por qué se quejan, ahí arribita dice que es una lista puramente subjetiva... aunque como diría Marco, me awebas con Kurt "3 acordes" Cobain por arriba de Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Queen y Sabbath :-o
Es una buena lista pero quitaria a Sex Pistols y a Queen y pondria a The Clash y a Judas Priest. Nirvana y Guns n' Roses creo que apesar de ser 'simples y comerciales' hay que admitir que tuvieron muchos fans, talves por eso figuran en la lista, pero deberian ser los ultimos.
Yo honestamente nunca he tenido nada en contra de Nirvana (aunque veo que muchos metaleros no se los bajan... pero bueno...) Pero la verdad es que es la única banda que aún con la subjetividad del caso no me explico como está ahí en esa lista.... Creo que es la única que quitaría de ahí.
Estoy solo de acuerdo con que en esa lista aparezcan Led Zeppelin, Queen, Metallica y Black Sabbath, independientemente del orden en el que salgan....
Yo definitivamente quitaria a Nirvana pondria a The Rolling Stones que tienen desde los 60`s y son la banda que tiene hasta el record Guinness dela banda con mas tiempo con la misma alineacion, despues pondria a Sabbath por encima de Guns.

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