
superheroes from brazil



Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Unknown

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil

First Appearance: Unknown (Vardi Editora)

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength.

History: After years ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ trying to create a supersoldier to defend the borders ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Brazil, with many failures, in 2003 they appeared to succeed. Amanhecer appeared to be the answer to their prayers - but some ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ those he encountered claimed he was homicidal and unnecessarily brutal.

Comments: Created by Daniel Vardi

Thanks to Mestre Chen for informing me ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ this character and providing images ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ him.


Bola de Fogo: O Homem del Solo (Fire Ball: Man ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Sun)

Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial (Zargon)

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Man ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Sun

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil

First Appearance: Unknown

Powers/Abilities: Solar powers, able to fly

History: An alien from the planet Zargon, Bola de Fogo arrived on Earth and decided to use his powers to combat crime and threats to his adopted homeland.

Real Name: Vanda Emanuelle

Identity/Class: Human magic user

Occupation: (as Vanda Emanuelle) journalist for the Tribuna Diária (Daily Tribune)

Affiliations: ex-member ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Bio Força (ex-Natal Legion), former apprentice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Bestial, Joiran (ghost friend) and some golems as Arika and Haiti.

Enemies: Bestial Arcano, Absalão, Caos.

Known Relatives: Arcano (cousin), Guinevere (mother), Lancelot (father)

Aliases: Vanda Emanuelle (alias used in comics BIO47 & Brado Retumbante), Emanuelle Samarkan, Wanessa (current alias)

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil; formerly resided in various parts ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the world over her lengthy lifespan

First Appearance: BIO47 N° 2

Powers/Abilities: Above average strength and speed. Martial arts and military knowledge, arcane spells and Jewish cabal understanding, levitation. Limited ability to teleport.

History: Few people know that, just as King Arthur had a bastard son, Mordred, from his union with Morgana Le Fey, Lancelot had a daughter with Guinevere, while they were at Sorelois and Arthur was with the false Guinevere. The false Guinevere and her knight Bertholai finally admitted their fraud and, after her death, the true Guinevere was returned to Arthur, but not her daughter! The child, along with the broken remains ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sword Caliburn (later known as Excalibur), was taken overseas by Kabbalists and raised in Judea. As an adult she wandered the world facing multiple threats and assuming various identities until today. For a time she led the Brazilian team Bio Força.

Cometa (Comet)

Real Name: Marcelo Vasconcelos

Identity/Class: Extra-dimensional

Occupation: Government agent

Affiliations: Jonas, Natana, Almina, etc

Enemies: Mortal Blade, Nousa, Ignea-meg, Lamina

Known Relatives: Silena (mother)

Aliases: None

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil

First Appearance: Cometa #1 (SG Visual Art)

Powers/Abilities: Gravity control, superhuman strength, nearly indestructible.

History: Cometa was a youth who travelled to Earth from another dimension. Finding his strength to be greater than a humans, and that his powers over gravity seemed unique, he decided to fight for justice as a superhero.

Comments: Cometa was one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the first works ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the SG Visual Art as publishing company.

Lagarto Negro (Black Lizard)

Real Name: Unknown (never disclosed in the comic)

Identity/Class: Normal human, technology user.

Occupation: former Special Forces Instructor

Affiliations: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

First Appearance: Impacto (1998)

Powers/Abilities: Lagarto Negro has no superpowers, but is a highly trained fighter, who uses a variety ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ non-lethal weapons, including nun-chuks. His costume is designed as urban camouflage, with titanium braclets to block attacks, infra-red goggles and radio built into the mask, and a utility belt. Inside this are items such as an emergency medical kit (sutures and needles), handcuffs, smoke bombs, tear gas, lockpicks, a torch, compass and knife.

History: Though his true identity remains a mystery, it is known that the man who became Lagarto Negro was once an instructor to the Brazilian Government's Special Forces units, specialising in urban guerilla tactics and anti-terrorism. Discovering corruption in the police, he tried to expose it, ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ to learn it went up to the highest levels, so he faked his own death. Wanting to continue his fight against injustice, he took the name ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a predatory nocturnal animal, and began to stalk the night as Lagarto Negro.

Real Name: Diego Del Monte Castlelo

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Adventurer

Affiliations: Unknown

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Unknown

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil

First Appearance: Brado Retumbante #1 (February 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Unknown

History: Diego Del Monte Castlelo is an adventurer who enjoys larger-than-life escapades.

Comments: Created by Rodrigo Garrit and Milton Estevam.


Real Name: Kátia Maria Farias Lins

Identity/Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Private detective

Affiliations: Gilberto Schwartz Gomes (boyfriend, former police officer)

Enemies: Doroti, Lacrau, Negative-Velta, Jordan Almeida, Chameleon Girl, Purple Woman, Masked Karate Girl, Professor Macieira

Known Relatives: Karina (sister), Kelson (brother), Joel (father), Suzana (mother, deceased)

Aliases: Kate

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Belo Horizonte, capital ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ state ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Minas Gerais, in Brazil

First Appearance: School newspaper O Comunicador (1973)

Powers/Abilities: Able to transform from her normal form to that ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a giant (seven foot tall), Amazonian body. She can fire blasts ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ bio-energy (in the form ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ light, electricity or concussive force) from any part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ her body (usually her fists). She regenerates injuries at amazing speed, and is all but immune to disease. Her skin is resistant to heat.

History: Used by the alien Snirko as a test subject for genetic experiments, gained the ability to transform herself into a Amazonian giantess. She became a detective and crimefighter, not out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a desire to gain justice, but rather to make money, show off and for the thrill ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ adventure.


Real Name: Carlos Couto

Identity/Class: Human Technology User (Alien technology)

Occupation: Geologist

Affiliations: Ziggy (an alien computer, property ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Galactic Patrol ), Amanda Rosselli (girlfriend)

Enemies: Sargozz and Letha (alien villains), The Alucinado (a big monster with grey skin), The Krah-Niox (a transmorph race from a far distant world)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: A damaged alien spaceship, from the Galactic Patrol, buried below an ice mountain in the South Pole.

First Appearance: Quadroid site (virtual comic, September 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Able to fly, possesses increased strength, invulnerability (with force-field on). Can fire energy bolts.

History: Carlos Couto was a geologist in a Brazilian scientific base in Antarctica. It was attacked and destroyed by Sargozz, an alien villain who was in search ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a precious mineral on Earth. Carlos was the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ survivor and was rescued by Ziggy, a computer which commanded a ship from the Galactic Patrol. The ship fell on the South Pole, was badly damaged and was unable to fly again, so, to stop the evil plans ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Sargozz and try to rescue Hull-Traax, the patrol-man who pursued him to Earth, Ziggy recruited Carlos into the Galactic Patrol, giving him the uniform and weapons ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a patrol-man.


Real Name: Tony Barreto

Identity/Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Salesperson

Affiliations: Suzi (girlfriend), Rita Mendes (doctor who helps Cronium to understand his powers)

Enemies: Democlocks

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Steelman (former name)

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Brazil

First Appearance: Manicomics #0

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength, nearly indestructible.

History: When Tony Barreto was in college, he suffered a strange accident. A tank full ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ cronium (a superhard metal used in secret researches) exploded and his skin was covered with the strange metal.


Real Name: Jaguara

Identity/Class: Normal human, magic user

Occupation: Indian tribe leader, warrior

Affiliations: Tendyberaba, Ikan, Pindobuçu, Tupã

Enemies: Saci-Aíba, Kurupira, Jurupari

Known Relatives: Aguaratã ( father, deceased )

Base ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Operations: Amazon, Brazil

First Appearance: Jaguara - Guerreira e Soberana ( 2005 )

Powers/Abilities: Very skilled and agile warrior. She's the one who can control the Lance ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Tupã.

History: Jaguara is the leader ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Krenakores, a native tribe in the Jaguaretama, a secret place hidden in the Amazon forest. After the death ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Aguaratã, her father, she was made the new leader and Tupã, a local god, gave her the Lance ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Tupã, a very powerful weapon which can be controlled ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ by Jaguara.

Comments: Created by Altemar Domingos.
asi esta bien, gracias por la info, esta muy interesante ver que no solo en estados unidos se crean comics

todos pertenecen a la misma casa editorial? hay crossovers?
Me recordó los tiempos de la k-oz
Aca también tenemos super héroes :-o
Si no fuera por temas como estos,yo ni e hubiera dado cuenta de la existencia de superheroes brasileños,XP
Aunque si se que hay varios de otros paises latinos,pero no me acuerdo de ninguno:-o

Buen aporte!

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