
Frase de Canción según tu humor!

"Suele suceder, suele suceder,
que me sienta extraño cuando estoy contento."

Suele suceder - Cocofunka
"My Body", Young The Giant

My Body tells me no, but I won't quit
Cause I want more, cause I want more
My Body tells me no, but I won't quit
Cause I want more, cause I want more...
"Hold on, hold on... It's easy,
All the plans against you one by one, will come undone."
I know I shall overcome" :???: Hard - Fi
Yo, caminaré entre las piedras
hasta sentir el temblor, en mis piernas
a veces tengo temor, lo sé
a veces vergüenza

Cuando pase el temblor Soda Stereo
"But nobody knows
What's gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show
How frightened we are" Duran Duran
"... estoy amarrado en un puerto gris
pero el horizonte dice que estoy cerca del fin
y las piedras que me pongan las esquivaré
y las puertas que me pongas la derribaré después
estoy liberado no me van a atrapar
no tengo nada que perder, hay mucho que ganar..."

- Y no voy a parar- Los Calzones

I am immortal
I have inside me blood ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ king
I have no rival
No man can be my equal
Take me to the future ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you all

Born to be kings, princes ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the universe
Fighting and free, got your world in my hand
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
We were born to be princes ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the universe
I can dream about you
If I can't hold you tonight
I can dream about you
You know how to hold me just right

I can dream about you Dan Hartman
Lady Evil - Black Sabbath

The things you see are what to be, lost and never found
Lady Evil, evil
She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil on my mind
She's queen ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the night
She's the queen ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ sin
Look out, she'll pull you in!
Lady wonder!
llevaba medias negras, bufanda a cuadros, minifalda azul... (...)

Recalenté una sopa con vino tinto, pan y salchichón...
a la 2da copa, qué hacemos con la ropa preguntó?

Y yo que nunca tuve más religión que un cuerpo de "mujer"
del cuello de una nube, aquella madrugada me colgué.

Medias Negras - Joaquín Sabina
Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

She's like the wind-Patrick Swayze

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