
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

Could you explain me why don't someone? ?

Asunto totalmente idiomatico mae, de esas cosas que no se puede explicar porque asi y no de otra forma, someone es cuando usted internaliza la pregunta tambien y se incluye, en pregunta no va someone else.
I really need to improve my english because it sucks, and I dont have anyone with who practice. but I have to be honest I prefer talk and practice listening!
Ok, I am so exciting about all this, so, let's put on a date, the next sunday at Plaza de la Cultura "it is a place that everybody knows, so nobody gets lost", then we could go to Parque España in front ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ministerio de Cultura, there is enough room for all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us. oooh I almost forget the hour, at 1 o'clock it ok, but if someone else could not make it we can change it... Greetings
Could you explain to me why not "someone"?

"Someone" is not used when asking; instead, you use "anyone". Somebody and anybody follow the same pattern.

Sometimes, you may hear a native say something like, "someone?", but it's incorrect and almost nobody says that.

"Someone" is not used when asking; instead, you use "anyone". Somebody and anybody follow the same pattern.

Sometimes, you may hear a native say something like, "someone?", but it's incorrect and almost nobody says that.


Excuse me men, but "cheers" it is ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ used in a toast??
Excuse me men, but "cheers" it is ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ used in a toast??

*man, men es plural y si fuera a decir disculpenme hombres sería Excuse me gentleman.

"Cheers is used ************SPAM/BANNEAR************"

Ahora se usa mucho es una forma de decir saludos, o vamos!

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