Voto por "que tuanis MEGADETH"


A mí sigue sin gustarme ninguna, de todas formas nunca se van a poner de acuerdo a 15mil personas, estoy seguro que por más esfuerzos que se hagan la gente va a terminar coreando el Aguante Megadeth... que de hecho creo que al menos no me daría pena ajena... pero bueno es mi opinión... yo me quedaré callado
Buenos dias...

Estoy brava, por que ya esta anunciado en la pagina de FB de Tropix II la fecha en Costa Rica de Aerosmith..
Y estoy desesperada por verla en la pagina de Megadeth, si yo se que la Megamuerte y Aerosmith no pueden compararse, pero el de ellos es el 1 de junio y nosotros estamos a relativamente pocas semanas...

Por cierto yo si me quedo con el "que tuanis Megadeth"
A mí sigue sin gustarme ninguna, de todas formas nunca se van a poner de acuerdo a 15mil personas, estoy seguro que por más esfuerzos que se hagan la gente va a terminar coreando el Aguante Megadeth... que de hecho creo que al menos no me daría pena ajena... pero bueno es mi opinión... yo me quedaré callado

El foro ya logro poner de acuerdo a mas de 15000 personas en el primero de Maiden, si se puede...
A mí sigue sin gustarme ninguna, de todas formas nunca se van a poner de acuerdo a 15mil personas, estoy seguro que por más esfuerzos que se hagan la gente va a terminar coreando el Aguante Megadeth... que de hecho creo que al menos no me daría pena ajena... pero bueno es mi opinión... yo me quedaré callado

a mi me daría pena ajena si corean el aguante megadeth pq primero en tikicia no se usa la palabra "aguante" no sé me parecería muy ridículo y segundo copiarles a los Argentinos me aguevas!!!
a mi me daría pena ajena si corean el aguante megadeth pq primero en tikicia no se usa la palabra "aguante" no sé me parecería muy ridículo y segundo copiarles a los Argentinos me aguevas!!!

3. es una tradicion alla tomar Agunte
4 simplemente no!
5. quedariamos comos unos putos copiones q no saben crear varas originales
El foro ya logro poner de acuerdo a mas de 15000 personas en el primero de Maiden, si se puede...
Opino igual yo creo que la vara si se puede coordinar bien bien.

3. es una tradicion alla tomar Agunte
4 simplemente no!
5. quedariamos comos unos putos copiones q no saben crear varas originales

Eso mismo seguro Dave diría "puta maes más pocos originales como que no tienen nada de creatividad ".es mejor usar alguna vara de aca no se tenemos tantas lo dificil es encontrar una que calce pero el que mas suena es el tuanis
SA & CA final dates

We have finalized our South and Central American dates and there are still two more dates to add to the Killing Road. Sadly, we won't be able to make it to Columbia again this trip, but I want you to know that you are in our hearts and we fought very hard to make it work for us to come play for you, to hear your voices, and to see your smiling faces, but in the end, it just wasn't possible.

Now the fun part comes; trying to decide what songs to play for you all!

It seems that Shawn and David are picking the setlists nowadays, so I am excited to see what they are going to bring up. Its almost like a game to see if they can stump me, and thank God I have been able to keep up with them

I can't tell you how happy I am right now with all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the chances we are getting to play around the world. It almost seems that with each new leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the tour we are hitting a new city or even a new country. I am going to have a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fun learning how to say, "yer the greatest audience in the world" in thirty different languages! Just kidding . . . you know I don't say that sh*t.

So, I can't help but wonder what was going on at this year's Golden Gods Awards Show. There was a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ weirdness last year, and this year was a lot better, but I can't for the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ me figure out why this one guy, who shall remain nameless) reached over and grabbed my shoulder to say, "Hi!" when we are total opposites and actually I have never even talked to this guy, if my memory serves me well. Oh well, more red carpet (or should I say black carpet for Revolver) shenanigans!

My good friend - a solid stand-up kinda guy - Chris Jericho did a really good job, I thought, and I am really excited to see what year three brings. Maybe my acting classes will have paid off and I can act like an award show host!

Ok, its time for me to switch to "Daveed Moostaine" and start speaking espanol (very bad espanol via online translators).

Tengo que ir ahora. Tengo muchas reuniones en la actualidad. Voy a escribir de nuevo. Te veré más tarde.

Adios chicos!


Tomado de Megadeth Forums
SA & CA final dates

We have finalized our South and Central American dates and there are still two more dates to add to the Killing Road. Sadly, we won't be able to make it to Columbia again this trip, but I want you to know that you are in our hearts and we fought very hard to make it work for us to come play for you, to hear your voices, and to see your smiling faces, but in the end, it just wasn't possible.

Now the fun part comes; trying to decide what songs to play for you all!

It seems that Shawn and David are picking the setlists nowadays, so I am excited to see what they are going to bring up. Its almost like a game to see if they can stump me, and thank God I have been able to keep up with them

I can't tell you how happy I am right now with all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the chances we are getting to play around the world. It almost seems that with each new leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the tour we are hitting a new city or even a new country. I am going to have a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fun learning how to say, "yer the greatest audience in the world" in thirty different languages! Just kidding . . . you know I don't say that sh*t.

So, I can't help but wonder what was going on at this year's Golden Gods Awards Show. There was a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ weirdness last year, and this year was a lot better, but I can't for the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ me figure out why this one guy, who shall remain nameless) reached over and grabbed my shoulder to say, "Hi!" when we are total opposites and actually I have never even talked to this guy, if my memory serves me well. Oh well, more red carpet (or should I say black carpet for Revolver) shenanigans!

My good friend - a solid stand-up kinda guy - Chris Jericho did a really good job, I thought, and I am really excited to see what year three brings. Maybe my acting classes will have paid off and I can act like an award show host!

Ok, its time for me to switch to "Daveed Moostaine" and start speaking espanol (very bad espanol via online translators).

Tengo que ir ahora. Tengo muchas reuniones en la actualidad. Voy a escribir de nuevo. Te veré más tarde.

Adios chicos!


Tomado de Megadeth Forums

No fue especial Mente para CR o todo America Central?

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