Post 100 de mi temita, vamos a ponerlo bien lindo con videito y toda la vara

Why dont you listen to me when I try to talk to you
Stop thinking of yourself, for just a second fool
Shut up, shut up, I dont wanna hear your mouth
Your mother made a monster,
Now get the hell out of my house
Bridgecant stand it for another day
I aint gonna live my life this way
Cold sweat, my fists are clenching
Stomp, stomp, stomp the idiot convention


"I want to love you but I better not touch - Don't touch-
I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
I want to kiss you but I want it too much -Too much-
I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison running through my veins "

Alice Cooper
And I loved you long ago
And I love you still
But the roads that we have tavelled
Took us far apart
Scattered to the four winds
Someday we will find the time to heal

And I loved you long ago

Acoustic Song - Mi tata
When you learn to lose
You'll know what it takes to win
Wanna go the distance
With a hunger that never ends
When you want to prove
You're the best that's ever been
They can knock you down
You're on your feet again
'Cause you know what it takes
What it takes to win

Journey - What it takes to win
Bludgeoned to a saddle
Rang the cloister bell inside
Exoskeletal junction at
the railroad delayed
Exoskeletal junction at
the railroad delayed
it's because this is
Roulette Dares (the Haunt of) -the mars volta
For the past it's too late
'Cause the world can't control fate
Shadows cast loud and clear
Tell the world the new order's here

"There's a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run to in the night
Relax child, you were there
But ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ didnt realize it and you were scared
Its a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the tears
And ride the whims of your mind
Commanding in another world
Suddenly, you hear and see
This magic new dimension

I-will be watching over you
I-am gonna help you see it through
I-will protect you in the night
I-am smiling next to you...in silent lucidity"

Silent Lucidity - Queensryche (de mis bandas chineadas)
The Reaper
is calling for you to come home
With the thrust of a switchblade
on the grip of a madman
And the waters of Bodom
turn a blood shade of red
As the Children Of Bodom
lake their last breath.
silent night bodom night-children of bodom(una cremota de pieza)... :evil:
"...soy la voz de tu conciencia
A tu error te has de enfrentar, hoy vas a pagar
No hay perdón es tu sentencia
Tu canción tras esas rejas tendrás que escuchar
culpando de nuevo al azar

Sufrirás toda tu existencia
un día mas despiertas y
ves el mundo tras ese cristal
Vivirás como un alma en pena
Con tu conciencia buscando una paz
Que nunca podrás encontrar"

Alma en Pena - Avalanch
I am the one, orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law
My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore.

"...I'm trying to be straight
Cause I don't want to be late
There's nothing you can say
to make me feel worse than I do
You can't buy my freedom
Keep me locked in your cell
Sad how we waste our energy
When all our days are few
We're two of a kind me and you
I guess that I'll see you in hell..."

See you in HELL (don't be late)
Yngwie J. Malmsteen
Fallen Angels, arise from your graves
Free your spirits and unite
before the blood of the Unicorn colors the night
From the ruins of hell we shall rise
On The Edge Of Honour we see the light
of the Unicorn soaring the night

On The Edge Of Honour - Hammerfall
Firme ante le enemigo, firme con valor, firme D. Rodrigo, y D.Rodrigo firmó la rendición.
Echa a andar Rodrigo tras mejor estrella, leguas y más leguas hacia el rumbo norte, le siguen sus huestes en la heroica huella a través de montes, de valles, de sierras, mas destino esquivooo, encuentra nativos que al cantar auguran sus sones de guerra

Cantata Del Adelantado Rodrigo De Carreras De Todos los Asuntos En Los Que Se Vio Envuelto Y De Como Se Desenvolvio - Les Luthiers
blop182 dijo:
Firme ante le enemigo, firme con valor, firme D. Rodrigo, y D.Rodrigo firmó la rendición.
Echa a andar Rodrigo tras mejor estrella, leguas y más leguas hacia el rumbo norte, le siguen sus huestes en la heroica huella a través de montes, de valles, de sierras, mas destino esquivooo, encuentra nativos que al cantar auguran sus sones de guerra

Cantata Del Adelantado Rodrigo De Carreras De Todos los Asuntos En Los Que Se Vio Envuelto Y De Como Se Desenvolvio - Les Luthiers


Lost in a world of illusions
No trace of the missing ore
Stealing our souls, we're out of control,
knocking at death's door

Hero's Return - Hammerfall

y no t kejes andres, no t kejes por nada, si del cielo te caen limones
aprende a hacer limonada
I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

Johnny Cash - Hurt
Riding high the final Race
We've never done before
Challenging our destiny
Brothers we are wild on the run

We carry on to make our way
Make our dreams come true
Gliding into another day
The world is our home

Farewell - Freedom Call
People say "Don't worry"
Say that time's a perfect healer
That the nightmares they will come to pass
Can't hear what they're saying
I am living in my own world
And I'm feeling trance like all the time

I hear voices in my head
Could I really be going crazy
In the night the visions seem so real
Do you care if you live or die
When you laugh are you really crying
You're not sure what's real anymore

Iron Maiden - Fortunes of War

Se acaba de postear

Nuevos temas

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📑 Evite Incurrir en Multas y Sanciones: Ofrecemos servicios de presentación de declaraciones de IVA (D104), alquileres (D125)

🦉Clases Privadas Virtuales 1:1 Prepración para examenes desde 6to hasta Bachillerato por madurez.
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Reelección para Presidente Rodrigo Chaves ¿A favor o en contra?

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  • Sí, los estudiantes en su mayoría van a tener sexo, consumir licor y a escaparse.

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