
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

esa pagina tiene muchos ejercicios... es gratis, no hay ke registrarse..
se practican las cuatro habilidades...
Muy bonito aprender y todo. Pero a mediano plazo de nada me va a servir de por si....

Obvio que sirve, pero para trabajar en un call center, turismo, ir a Europa/USA, entender libros y más. Pero en mi caso, yo no voy a hacer uso del inglés ni en mediano plazo. Apenas voy a sacar noveno hasta noviembre del 2015, bachillerato hasta el 2017... si le pongo MUCHO.

Mientras? Dudo que me contraten en ningún trabajo donde se use el inglés sin tener bachillerato ni una carrera. El INA da cursos técnicos y de turismo buenisimos que a uno lo ponen a trabajar casi de una... pero que? : bachillerato o nada.

Que awebado...
Última edición:
I'm really interested on this because I need to improve a lot my english, so when do we do the first meeting? Just set a date and a place and I'll be there for sure!

Ok, let´s begin this together, cuz if we wait until the other ones take a decision we'll never do anything. Plaza de la cultura, saturday 30 at 1 pm...
For INTERMEDIATE english speakers:

I'm doing lessons via skype.

¢ 3.000 per lesson, 1 hour, 2 times a week. You will learn everything you could learn in an academy, but a LOT cheaper.

For more info contact me at: [email protected]
Hi there, it's been so long since I wrote down on this foro, and I wanna tell u that I am still interested on form a group and meeting one per week, so, tell me.
Hello fellow forum. Long ago stop talking and write what little he knew ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ English and want to dust off the welcome.
Hi guys. Do you have or have thought about creating a conversation group in person? I mean, meeting in a place to talk and improve our speaking skills mainly.
Última edición:
I would like to improve my fluency. I know how to read and write but damn, my conversational english SUCKS. I mean, in a job interview my mind goes in blank and I don't know what the fuck to say because I have never talked in english in real life.

So if anyone is interested we could have an Skype session and practice that way.

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