
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

3 fijos ahi. Entre 2-3 pm estoy por ahi en el museo de la Plaza de la Cultura. Algún interesado mandeme un mp o que confirme por aqui.

Cancelado hoy.

Quedaría para este otro sábado o el domingo, como les quéde mejor.

Ahi me avisan los interesados para ponernos de acuerdo.

En todas.
I already send you a PM telling you that the reunion was postponed to the other weekend.

Usually, you would use meeting rather than reunion. Reunion is ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ really stated in extremely official gatherings.

Sent is the past-term ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the verb send.

Until next is better than "to the other".
Gracias por las correcciónes. Pero ese "postponed" está bien.


To the people interested in attend at the next weekend's meeting, please let me know if you can attend in the course ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ this week.

Hope see you there!
Dr. Mike... I know you are trolling around, because you always say that you will attend to the Forum's meetings but you never show up.

Anyways, I'll wait to the other people to confirm if they will attend the Saturday or Sunday.
I can go the Saturday too.

I already invited curiositika, Beelzebub, Megallica and brisamarina. Hope you guys could join us, and everyone who would want be part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the meeting :D

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