
"The Final Frontier" Nuevo Disco de Iron Maiden

mae no XD lo vi en metal hammer estaban haciendo como un review cancion x cancion y segun ellos isle ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ avalon es la mejor, pero igual yo no hago mucho caso a eso, hasta q no escuche el disco no podre decir si es verdad
Aqui esta lo de la Metal Hammer:

IRON MAIDEN The Final Frontier Track-By-Track
Somewhere between the dark and menacing war stories ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ A Matter ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Life And Death and the prog-tinged melodic bombast ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Brave New World, albeit with a vast amount ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fresh ideas thrown in for good measure, The Final Frontier is every bit as strong as the last three Maiden albums. The difference between this one and its predecessors is that these songs repeatedly take the Brit metal legends into uncharted territory. This is a demanding album, but one that most Maiden fans are going to absolutely adore…
Everyone has heard the album’s title track by now, and it’s a straightforward and infectious slab ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ muscular hard rock that seems destined to open Maiden shows for the foreseeable future…but it’s the first part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ this bi-polar album opener that is going to blow fans’ minds. A disorientating maelstrom ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ swirling distortion, thudding double kicks and bizarre spectral vocals, Satellite 15 is undoubtedly the weirdest thing the band have ever recorded. It’s heavy, it’s left-field and it’s utterly unexpected.
Opinion seems to be divided about whether El Dorado is simply a solid, straightforward Maiden tune or something genuinely special. In fact, it’s a bit ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ both; a bold and boisterous seven-minute epic with an infectious chorus and a few deftly-executed twists and turns, all custom-built to go down an absolute storm live.
MOTHER ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ MERCY
A dark and menacing song that could easily have been on A Matter ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Life And Death, this is one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ those archetypal horrors-************SPAM/BANNEAR************-war anthems that Maiden do so well. It starts with a faintly proggy intro – a whiff ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Steve Harris’ beloved Jethro Tull, perhaps – before morphing into a brooding, slow-motion gallop, not a million miles from Stranger In A Strange Land (from Somewhere In Time), but with a much more sinister overall vibe. “Sick ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ all the killing and the reek ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ death…” sings Bruce at one point.
A bombastic, lighters-in-the-air ballad with a difference, Coming Home marries a giant, sing-along chorus to some subtly progressive riffs and a typically adventurous arrangement. Undeniably sentimental, this is plainly Bruce Dickinson’s song, as he sings about returning home and seeing the lights on the runway as his plane descends to Earth. Not many bands could pull this off without setting off the cheese alarm. Maiden do it brilliantly. A live classic in the making.
Arguably the most old fashioned song on the album, this punchy four-minute burst ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ speed, energy and irresistible Lizzy-esque lead guitar harmonies would have fit neatly onto Fear ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ The Dark and nimbly ticks all the necessary boxes to please the die-hards. Interestingly, this has the same title as a song from Bruce Dickinson’s classic solo album Chemical Wedding. The two songs are utterly dissimilar, however.
ISLE ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ AVALON
Possibly the finest thing on The Final Frontier and certainly one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the strongest songs Maiden have produced in years, Isle ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Avalon takes the band into unfamiliar melodic territory, with a few unconventional time signatures and proggy detours adding to the intense freshness that pervades throughout its nine minute duration, and a simply enormous chorus that will surely translate extremely well live. There’s a vague hint ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Paschendale (from 2003’s Dance ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Death) and a nod or two to Maiden’s Somewhere In Time album here.
Another song that is full ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ surprises, despite Maiden’s unmistakable sound, this is another epic that brims with great riffs, melodies and subtle textural touches. Almost psychedelic in places, Starblind has a genuinely otherworldly feel, particularly during its intricate midsection which boasts a phenomenal bluesy lead break over some sumptuous, mellow guitar work from the Three Amigos.
Another song that would have fit on A Matter ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Life And Death, The Talisman is dark and complex, but it also flows beautifully, spreading out from its folky intro into a powerful main verse riff and a seriously explosive chorus with Bruce bellowing at the top ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his not inconsiderable lungs. Despite being nine minutes long, this one whizzes by in what seems like half that time.
An eerie, unsettling intro leads into some crushing, doomy chords before this sprawling epic switches direction and heads into a superbly catchy and muscular verse riff and another big chorus. Like many songs on The Final Frontier, The Man Who Would Be King seldom does exactly what you would expect, and yet it all makes perfect sense by the time its rambling, harmony-packed intro fades gently away…
Based on author Raymond Briggs’ grim post-nuclear fallout graphic novel (When The Wind Blows), the final track on Maiden’s 15th album is every bit as bleak and unnerving as its subject matter would seem to demand, and yet this is as musically fascinating and lyrically brave as anything the band have recorded. Densely-layered and uncompromising, this one will take a few listens to sink in, but there is an insane amount ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ atmosphere and countless inspired melodic touches on display here. A stunning finale.

Words: Dom Lawson
Definitivamente el album nuevo se las trae, por suerte no es del agrado de todos, por dicha no es un album "pop".

Estos maes estan para rato, los vi el domingo, y no hay forma de dejar quieto a Bruce, ni a ninguno, que energía, y que calidad. Que sea agosto para devorar ese disco nuevo.

Sin hacer mas alarde de nada, solo quiero mencionar, que el momento de la noche, fue cuando Dickinson dijo unas palabras para Dio, que la verdad, fuera lagrimas.

Y le dedicaron Blood Brothers, gente, no hay palabras.

Enjachado por Harris en TCDR

Definitivamente el album nuevo se las trae, por suerte no es del agrado de todos, por dicha no es un album "pop".

Estos maes estan para rato, los vi el domingo, y no hay forma de dejar quieto a Bruce, ni a ninguno, que energía, y que calidad. Que sea agosto para devorar ese disco nuevo.

Sin hacer mas alarde de nada, solo quiero mencionar, que el momento de la noche, fue cuando Dickinson dijo unas palabras para Dio, que la verdad, fuera lagrimas.

Y le dedicaron Blood Brothers, gente, no hay palabras.

mae en serio, ya quiero oir ese disquito!!! Después de leer la crónica que puso kemonito de Metal Hammer, ya quiero que sea agosto!!

Que tuanis está el Picture Disc, ya aparté la plata pa mandarlo a traer el 17!!
mae en serio, ya quiero oir ese disquito!!! Después de leer la crónica que puso kemonito de Metal Hammer, ya quiero que sea agosto!!

Que tuanis está el Picture Disc, ya aparté la plata pa mandarlo a traer el 17!!

Al chile mae, que jeta, se va a mandar a pedir el LP? Esta jeton la verdad!! Y con solo los nombres de las piezas uno espera pura cremoleta nada mas, que sabor!!

Yo hice pre order del cd con la caja de metal, llega como un dia antes de que salga.
Al chile mae, que jeta, se va a mandar a pedir el LP? Esta jeton la verdad!! Y con solo los nombres de las piezas uno espera pura cremoleta nada mas, que sabor!!

Yo hice pre order del cd con la caja de metal, llega como un dia antes de que salga.
mae es que me cuadró en paleta la versión del Picture Disc!!


mae es que me cuadró en paleta la versión del Picture Disc!!


Ah si, esta demasiado pichuda. Ni ganas de abrirlo dan, y por aquello, aunque me imagino que ya sabe, si tiene tornamesa, NO lo ponga a sonar, los picture disc en buena teoría son unicamente decorativos, no es que no suenen, pero con la cantidad de quimicos que tienen junto al acetato, dos cosas, le dañan la aguja, y no suenan muy bien.
Ah si, esta demasiado pichuda. Ni ganas de abrirlo dan, y por aquello, aunque me imagino que ya sabe, si tiene tornamesa, NO lo ponga a sonar, los picture disc en buena teoría son unicamente decorativos, no es que no suenen, pero con la cantidad de quimicos que tienen junto al acetato, dos cosas, le dañan la aguja, y no suenan muy bien.
mae de hecho yo no los pongo a sonar...
para eso bajo el disco, xq solo oigo música en la compu o en el reproductor
ISLE ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ AVALON
Possibly the finest thing on The Final Frontier and certainly one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the strongest songs Maiden have produced in years, Isle ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Avalon takes the band into unfamiliar melodic territory, with a few unconventional time signatures and proggy detours adding to the intense freshness that pervades throughout its nine minute duration, and a simply enormous chorus that will surely translate extremely well live. There’s a vague hint ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Paschendale (from 2003’s Dance ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Death) and a nod or two to Maiden’s Somewhere In Time album here.

Esta me llama mucho la atencion, basandome en la descripcion, no puedo esperar a escucharla, ese disco se ve muy experimental, habra que ver que tal sale.
16 de agosto del año 2010 alas 11 con 20 minutos de la mañana :-o:-o:-o:-o:-o si no me equivoco

Correcto, el 16 de agosto, y 17 en USA.

Acá les dejo los creditos:

'Satellite 15... The Final Frontier' (Smith/Harris)
'El Dorado' (Smith/Harris/Dickinson)
'Mother ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Mercy' (Smith/Harris)
'Coming Home' (Smith/Harris/Dickinson)
'The Alchemist' (Gers/Harris/Dickinson)
'Isle ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Avalon' (Smith/Harris)
'Starblind' (Smith/Harris/Dickinson)
'The Talisman' (Gers/Harris)
'The Man Who Would Be King' (Murray/Harris)
'When The Wild Wind Blows' (Harris)

Esa última pieza se las trae!!
Maes ya pude ver el video, lo pase al iPod y lo digeri. La cancion me cuadra un pichaso, es una cancion muy refrescante, muy salido de lo que Maiden nos tiene acostumbrado. Se nota que Dickinson todavia puede cantar, y esta cancion lo deja muy claro. Insisto en que este disco no es el Somewhere in Time, no se que espera la gente del disco en si.

Del video me gusta un pichaso que se explican 2 varas:

  1. Que es la llave que tiene Eddie en la mano de la portada
  2. Por que es que quedo despichado Eddie

Muy bien pinta este disco, vamos a ver que mas sale...

Yo creo que las jupas ahi son como los maes que han intentanto buscar la llave y que Eddie se los trona..

La verdad esta muy creativo la idea del disco y su historia. Esa vara espacial es como lo que le faltaba a Maiden por hacer.. Se avecina unas liricas muy interesantes jeje.

Sobre la cancion, me gusto la cabrona jajaja. Esta mejor que el Dorado. Repite mucho el estribillo pero porque puede ser porque le editaron solos y talves un poco de letra para hacer el video y la parte del satelite 15 tambien le falta.

Y el video esta bien pichota porque me recuerda a esas series o peliculas del espacio con que me crie y siempre me gustaron. A como hay canciones para ponerlas cuando vamos en el carro despichados o para bañarnos o para estar con la wila, esta está perfecta para ponerla en persecuciones y piques con nuestras naves espaciales (lol).
Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Esto si me suena mas como a Maiden.


    Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Spaceships! Lasers! Annoying pointy asteroid things!
Somewhere in deep space, Iron Maiden's cargo ship has been attacked by rogueish space pirates! Oh no! Without the gear, how are they going to play the biggest show in the galaxy? Can you help Eddie rescue the equipment so the show can go ahead? Mission 1: Search & Salvage has just gone live at and it'll help you kill the time between now and...

The Final Frontier

The wait is nearly over!
If you've somehow managed to miss the fact that Iron Maiden's new album is out on or around August 16th, here's a quick round-up:
- Find out about the different formats and get pre-order links for the physical and digital versions at
- Check out the epic video for 'The Final Frontier' at
- Read the first review (warning: spoilers!) at

A Land Down Under

If you're ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ an Australian persuasion, you might want to keep an eye on the website next week. Just sayin'. :)

Retail Therapy
If I want to take my mind off something, maybe something like 'oh I wish the new Iron Maiden album would be released already!', then I find a bit ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ shopping is an excellent distraction! The Official Iron Maiden shop has lots ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ new Final Frontier goodies, including crossed keys pendant and keyring, Eddie head ring, pewter tankard and shot glass, as well as more t-shirts than you can shake a stick at.

More next week! We're off to Knebworth :)


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