
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

Hey guys

See, I've never had many problems learning English, at least when it comes to grammar, and reading or writing. But I need to improve my pronunciation a bit, and I really need to practice to be 100% able to talk in (or speak) English fluently, and easily understand when a native English speaker talks, or to work at a call center.

So I will be there at La Sabana next Sunday, maybe the 3 o' clock if I may...?

This final "if I may", or whatever idea you wanted to express there, doesn't really fit. I would disregard it.

Hey guys

See, I've never had many problems with learning english, at least when it comes for grammar and read or write. But I need to improve a bit my pronunciation and I really need to practice to be 100% able to talk english in a more fluid way and easily understand when a native english speaker talks or work in a call center for example.

So I would be there in the Sabana the next Sunday maybe at the 3 o' clock if you allow me...?

Hmmm... Go ahead, drop by...
Please, ignore that worthless troll.

On topic: Sorry Beelzebub, what you did mean with 'go ahead, drop by'? I didn't understand that...
Please, ignore that worthless troll.

On topic: Sorry Beelzebub, what did you mean with 'go ahead, drop by'? I didn't understand that...
The verb goes before the subject when you are asking a question.

Now, responding to your question; Belze meant that you are welcome to participate ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ our meetings any time that you want.

Feel free to come on Sunday!
Today I woke up so happy and said to myself, awww let's check the foro, and what was the first FREAKING thing that I saw? yes, you're right!!! BEEL'S AVATAR... please have revulsion!! :guacala:
???? Are you nuts Cerllel?

By the way, next meeting is scheduled for Sunday 27th, same hour and place
I was joking by your avatar, its a penis... :p thanks 4 the info without forget your phrase... jeje I bet you lost in VS...
Oh... maybe you has schizophrenia.


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